RWDSU Locals Traveling to Albany to Lobby for Retail Workers Safety Act

Local 1102 along with many other RWDSU Locals will be traveling to Albany on May 14 to lobby with legislators for the passing of the Retail Workers Safety Act. This bill will put in place strict guidelines for shop owners to follow that will protect retail workers and customers.

Local 1102 will continue to fight for the passing of this act.

To learn more about the bill click this link.

Representatives Meet with U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Dozens of supporters gathered at the office of RWDSU Local 338 on Long Island to hear what United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand had to say about a variety of issues such as food insecurity and childcare. She also took time out after to discuss concerns with union members. Afterwards, Local 1102 Representatives Lori Krotz, Jack Caffey and Dave Mertz, met with Gillibrand to discuss issues directly impacting Local 1102 members.